Friday, January 14, 2011

Chicken Tortellini Soup (can be Vegetarian)

5 1/2 c. water
2 cans cream of chicken  (I use this)
1 c. chopped up veggies (your choice here, it's mostly for color.  frozen or fresh.  I usually put in a cut of chopped up fresh carrots)
1 TBS oregano or Italian seasoning
salt to taste
2 pkgs of fresh tortellini, 1 large package of frozen tortellini OR 1 bag dried tortellini
(again, your choice, sorry I don't have weights on those, it's whatever looks like enough for one pot of soup for your family and 5 1/2 cups of water ;-)
2-3 cups chopped, cooked, chicken
1 package frozen broccoli pieces

Put all ingredients in a bag, do not cook, freeze immediately.
Thaw 24 hrs in fridge or 12 hrs at room temp.

Throw it all in a pot and cook until the tortellini is cooked through.
I always toss on a hefty portion of Parmesan cheese, 'cause I'm a cheese freak.

**If I opt for dried tortellini I don't put it in the freezer bag, I just add it when I'm actually cooking the soup.

**this has gone without the chicken in our house many times, does not change the flavor, still very good!

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